Tuesday 23 August 2022

Go Topless Day 2022 (maybe)

Before I get into it, I'll admit that I'm not sure if I've got that date of this one right this year. Traditionally, Go Topless day falls on the Sunday before Women's Equality Day. However, the observant amongst you will no doubt have noticed that it is in fact a Tuesday today.

And, therein, lies my confusion. You see, some sources that I have referred to say that Go Topless Day falls on Sunday 21st August this year, while others say it is Tuesday 23rd August. There is a fairly even split between the two so the relative number of mentions for each day doesn't give a clear indicator as to which is correct.

To add to the uncertainty, I also found one mention of it being Sunday 28th August. I've dismissed that one as being completely wrong as that would put it after Women's Equality Day. which falls on 26th August and celebrates the day that women gained the right to vote in the United States.

To be honest, I think that Sunday 21st is the most likely date to be correct but, having missed that due to being occupied by other things, I'll make the most of celebrating it today instead.

But why do women across the U.S. choose to go topless today? Well, in truth, your mileage my vary as to how topless women choose to go. While some are proud to go all in on baring their chests, others find themselves still being dictated to by outdated laws that make doing so a criminal offense. In such cases, some strategically placed pasties or nipple tape may be employed.

And it is for the sake of women who must live under such outdated laws that this day happens every year. Because why should men be able to parade around bare chested for no other reason than because they want to, while women can find themselves forbidden from doing so even in the name of performing the critical motherly act of breastfeeding a baby?

In other words, the gender that has absolutely no reason to reveal their torsos have the unrestricted right to, while the gender that have a very valid biological reason for doing so, at best, find themselves being frowned upon and, at worst, can by punished under law. Because that makes perfect sense, right?

Of course it doesn't! Which is exactly the reason why the fight for gender equality is an ongoing battle that I will continue to support my sisters on the other side of the Atlantic in waging.

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