Tuesday 3 May 2022

A month of masturbation

M is for May, Masturbation and Month. Put them all together and what have you got? That's right; we get a whole month dedicated to fapping.

Although, if for some unfathomable reason, you feel you really must limit yourself to just one day of self-pleasuring, you'll have to hold on all the way until May 28th for International Masturbation Day! 

I know that I will be taking advantage of it all month long as I am a strong advocate that a decent amount of masturbation is healthy for everyone. It is something that can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age or relationship status. 

Besides being really fucking fun, it can be relaxing as it triggers the release of neuro-transmitters that regulate stress and can improve your mood. It has also been shown that regular masturbators are less prone to diagnosed with prostate cancer (amongst men) and can relieve menstrual cramps (amongst women). 

Fun Fact
As off writing this, it is the only the 3rd day of Masturbation Month and I have already fapped 3 times. I wonder, can I keep up an average of fapping once each day for the whole month?

Obviously, all of these benefits are also provided by having sexual, potentially to an even greater degree, but that is not a luxury that everyone has. In lieu of having a partner, fapping is a great alternative.  

It also plays an important role in us learning about our our bodies and exploring what we find pleasurable and what sort of response different things will produce. It is so much easier to tell a partner what you like, if you already know yourself. 

And for men who may struggle with lasting a decent amount of time, it can help build tolerance and stamina to prevent them from cumming prematurely when enjoying themselves with a partner.  

For all these reasons and more, we should all accept that masturbation is not something that should be considered taboo or shameful. Quite the opposite, in fact. And that is why Masturbation Month was born in 1995 to help promote everyone's right to enjoy masturbation without feeling ashamed or self-conscious.

A 2009 study showed that 84% of men and 72% of women aged 25-29 years old had masturbated in the last year. I don't think any of us will be surprised that men edge the stats when it comes to wanking but I find it encouraging that women are not really that far behind and that both figures are both relatively high.    

Fun Fact
The inspiration for Masturbation Month was an American Surgeon General who was fired the previous year for suggesting that masturbation was a topic that should be covered during sex education.

And I suspect that if such a survey was repeated now, both figures would be even higher. Between the long isolation that some have experienced due to Covid and the ever- increasing availability and selection of top quality sex toys, I find it hard to believe that more people than ever are not enjoying playing with themselves.

So what are you waiting for? Get down to the Masturbation Club or somewhere similar and share the joys of communal wanking by stripping off and pleasuring yourself in the company of other masturbation lovers. Possibly even me, if you time it right!

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