Sunday 4 December 2022

Home Sweet Home

Here I am back home on TWK Island at last. It's damn good to be home!

Mind you, with no-one looking after the place for over a year, the place was looking a little dusty when I walked through the door. You can probably guess what my first job after unpacking the essentials was, can't you?

And it's important that I make the place nice again. Not just for my own benefit, but because, as part of my arrangement to regain ownership of the island, I'll be resuming Airbnb bookings for my spare room. The income from that will be important in helping me pay off my outstanding tax debts. 

Fortunately, it hasn't taken long for there to be some interest from prospective guests. In fact, I've got a few booked up already. I'm sure they will just be regular people who just need somewhere to lay their heads at night and have no interest in getting up to crazy or perverted shenanigans...

Only time will tell...

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