Friday 23 February 2024

Slut Talk Live

As a podcaster myself, I was very intrigued when I saw an advert for a live podcast named Slut Talk Live advertised on Twitter this afternoon. I was very keen to see what it was all about so I made sure to make a note of the start time so I could drop in as an audience member.

It's the first time I've come across this show so it's unclear to me how long it may have been running for. The vibe I got from the advert was that it was pretty new, maybe in debuting today. I'm not any the wiser about that now, although it definitely seemed like it wasn't the first episode.

To be honest, I thought it was a slightly questionable time for the podcast to be hosted; Friday evening for Europe and Lunchtime for the U.S. For that reason, I was pretty surprised by how many audience member were there when I arrived. I'm not sure what the peak was but it was over 40 when I checked, which is good going, if you ask me.

From the general chatter I picked up on, it seemed like it was a pretty U.S. dominated crowd, which makes sense. Like I said, it was Friday evening over here in Europe, which is obviously prime time for going on a night out to blow off some steam at the end of the week. Furthermore, both hosts, as well as their guest, were all American so that may explain why this was the first I was hearing off it.

So what did I make of Slut Talk Live?

Starting with the good; like I said there was a healthy audience in-attendance. The hosts were also very enthusiastic. Most impressive was their guest though. I missed her name but she is someone who is a misstress for hire and has worked taking calls on a sex line. Her willingness and ability to carry a conversation and give expansive answers really did carry the show at times.

The live aspect of the show was also fun, allowing the hosts and guest to interact with the crowd. That allowed them to include a few sections based around crowd participation. 

In the first of those sections, a crowd member was invited up on stage to do some live roleplay with the guest. Interestingly, it wss RadaghastWolf, who you may remember appeared as a guest on the BDSM-themed episode of Text-To-Speech Podcast. Seems like he is ticking off appearances on all of the podcasts!

In another section of the show, they played Two Truths and One Lie, with the guest providing 3 tails of her sexual deeds and the crowd and hosts trying to decide with one was the lie. The first story she gave was quite lengthy and detailed, whereas the two that followed were much shorter and somewhat lacking in details by comparison. That made me quite suspicious that she was putting more effort into making the lie believable, even if I felt like the situation was probably the most realistic. My suspicion was ill-founded though, with the second story actually being the lie.

And the other portion of the show that involved the audience was a simple Q&A section. This section actually tees up talking about things that they could improve for future shows quite nicely because, if I'm being brutally honest, if was pretty chaotic with the hosts struggling to keep up with the questions. I feel like this is where they really needed some assistance, ideally from an off-mic producer who could be keeping track of the questions and then passing them along to the hosts at an appropriate time.

A producer could also help with the general pacing and flow of the show. There were times that there were awkward silences, hosts talking over one another  or where, although there was some planned questions, there wasn't a clear flow to the conversation. The speaking ability of the guest that I mentioned earlier, certainly bailed them out a few times due to her just being able to step in and keep things flowing. Again, this is where I feel having someone off-mic, feeding them prompts or focussing on being more mindful of the flow of the chat, could really improve the show.

One other improvement that absolutely needs to be made if the show is going to be on-going is to the sound quality. Once again, the show's guest got this spot on but both of the host's had very poor microphone audio. Improving that should be a non-negotiable. 

Especially since, at one point, one of the hosts seemed to suggest that the show was also being broadcast online. Whilst the guest and RadaghastWolf were performing som sex acts on-stage, she said something along the lines of "for the benefit of those who are not here in person" and then described what was happening. 

If it is available online, I'd be very interested to know where that is. Although it was a bit of a mixed bag, I would say that it is well worth checking out if you are a podcast enjoyer and like lewd chat. It's just a pity that I can't tell you how to do that except for turning up in person to sit in the audience.

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