Wednesday 1 May 2024

Let's play bingo!

So, a slight change of plan since this morning. Or, more accurately, I have refined my previous plan into something that I think will be more enjoyable for all concerned.

In fact, most of what I announced earlier still holds true. I've just decided to track things in a very specific way that gives me more specific goals and tasks to accomplish. And that, my friends, is by turning my challenge into Masturbation Month Bingo!

Now I have 49 fap related tasks to check of as I go. Some are easy. Some are hard. So are very hard. I honestly don't know if I will be able to complete the bingo card. I'll certainly give it my all though. And you know that I'll be keeping you guys up to date as I go.

Actually, on that topic, I've already managed to tick off a few easy tasks already so you can consider this my very first update of the month.

One thing that has not changed is that I'm still going to need some help for a number of these tasks, so please do get in touch if you want to volunteer your services; whether it be in terms of joining in with some of the fapping, or maybe just point me in the right direction for some of the location based tasks. All help is welcome!

Finally, if you are so inclined to take on my Masturbation Bingo Challenge, you can download the check from the link below. Obviously, many of the tasks do require a vagina, and some even require breasts, so completion of the card will only be possible by ladies, but you can all still join in with the ones that are appropriate for you.

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