Tuesday 20 December 2022

Soaking in the mountain view

Tis the season to enjoy a good soak, me thinks!

Or perhaps I am the only one that is taking advantage of having a bit of extra spare time to escape the cold outside and bathe away a few aches and pains.

I mean, it definitely isn't just me. Amanda needed very little convincing to join me in taking the plunge. Very little indeed.

And we certainly weren't the only patrons at this beautifully picturesque mountain retreat. Although I'm not entirely sure that everyone else was there for exactly the same lazy reasons as us. For the most part, the baths were so quite, we basically had them to ourselves.

That said, it did get a little more crowded as time rolled on. Again, not everyone was there for a quiet relax in the warm and soothing waters though. Some were more interested in being positively frisky. Although maybe that was not their  original intent, but temptation got the better of them,

Not that I am judging. We all have our our methods of destressing and I dare say that having a good fuck is a rather effective way to go about relieving some unwanted tension.. 

Fortunately, those patrons that were there for that reason, were considerate enough to keep their moaning to a minimum. It's refreshing change when others make a conscious effort not to disturb others.

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